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Crazy Thought....maybe.
Hey all, here goes...
say a buddy of mine has a umm...minnkota 22 th lb 12V lectric transom mount almost new motor but he doesnt think that is quite enough to push his 14 foot aluminum boat.

is it feasible to just swap out the motor head unit on the end of the shaft for one thats is still 12V but maybe pushes a bit more...say around 30 or 40 thrust pounds?
i cant imagine those motors have an immaculate wiring system inside it really has a high/low/off switch and battery clamps (small) to hook to the juice. I am betting they are polar so you can make them couter-rotate by switching wire postions to get either a clockwise or counter-clockwise directional spin out of the motor unit, if you could get a sealed unit and water proof the wiring where you attach it there is no drive shaft or anything...... do you all think i could do this..i mean my buddy could make it happen....

Just a thought....gimme a shout on what ya think on this one. im not a electrical engineer, but i am a dummy with a soddering iron....heh heh.

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