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Once In A Lifetime
I always make it a tradition to take my younger cousins out deer hunting when they turn 14. This year I was hunting with a 16 year old and a 14 year old. The 16 year old got the deer of his life last Saturday. It was a great experience! The buck measured 32 1/2" wide and was 24" tall.

That deer is awesome !! Was that on private land? He will now spend the rest of his life trying to better that one, I guess that's not really a bad thing though.
that probley the biggest deer he will ever kill. that deer will go a solid 195 maybee 200 gross. and net 185 to 190 awsume main beams even deep forks the cheaters are neat but will hurt him alitle over all one i a life time. unless you are rich. and have guides find them for ya. and put it up on mm
Very Nice Buck! Tell that young man congrats and Thanks for sharing a buck like that with all of us. What a trophy! I would do some checking around. There are some places that will pick up the cost of taxidermy for the story and the ability to hang it in there shop or business for display. But if money is not an issue, Hang it whereever he wants!

Good on that young man

What a perfect deer, it too bad it will be 20 years before he realizes how magical the set of circumstances was that landed the deer in his lap. It really is a great buck, congratulations to him and thanks for sharing.
That would be great if you could find something out about possibility trading wall time for the cost. He was worried about coming up with the money to have him mounted.

He was on public ground really in a place that you wouldn't really expect to see a buck like that. It was just supposed to be...
I cant right off the top of my head think of someone who will do it, However I will start checking around. I know that a friend of mine from this site shot a 390 bull that is hanging in cabelas right now. I also know a friend that shot a buffalo and the dermy work was paid for by the Timbermine restraunt in Ogden as long as the head and hide hung in there. And its still there.

I think you would be surprised if you just start asking around and looking into it. Some magazines will pay for it as long as they get the sole rights to the story.

Good luck . I think your looking at 700.00 to do a deer on the average.
Talk about a great deer! Tell him congrats!
dude this is easy. take it too a who you want to do it. pay the deposit for him. most all shops work this way. and most are backed up 1 whole year. this will give the time to create the rest by working his but off some how making small payments. check it out call some shops.
That is truly amazing! That's the kind of buck running around in my head at night. Most people wont even shoot a buck that big on a LE that they have waited 10 years to draw on. Congrats!! He will go 190 easy and make the books. Did you get him officially scored? Make sure you do that so he can have his name in the books.
Very Very nice animal. I consider it an honor to just see one that big let alone shoot one. Give him a high 5 for me.
That is an incredible buck!!!

Thanks for sharing the pics, and make sure he gets officially scored! [cool]
I have a good friend that is a taxidermist that does alot of work for big names he has done alot of the work at sportsmans with his name all over it if you want to see his work or if you are interested let me know ill talk to him and he does payments if money is short
That is a nice buck!!!!! M.H.
Great looking deer. Congrats on guiding your cousin into it.

Look around on taxidermy. You should be able to find some for under about $550. I'd recomend my guy, but he's gone on a mission for about 18 months. If you're willing to wait that long, he does great work.
Dang that is a nice buck. Does he even realize how rare those are now days?
That is a buck of a lifetime. A solid 190 IMO. I would trade my 3
trophy elk for that deer. Mule Deer that size are RARE. Most have never seen one that big. A congrats to the hunter

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