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Stuck buck
These are some pics of a buck caught on a fence at a veterans Cemetary in Evansville, Wyoming last October.
[inline Dyingtogetin10-25-07039.jpg]
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WOw, Nice buck, what a waste to see taht happen, but hey thats mother nature. would have loved to have had that rack.
I got the same Email but whoever sent it did not did not say where the pictures were taken, thanks for sharing that info. Anyone know what part of the state is Evansville is in? What a way to go for such an awesome deer[unsure].
Evansville is next to Casper, the only reason I know this is I volunteered for an organization called Wreathes Across America. They (we) put wreathes on graves of veterans in Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming but they are spread across the U.S.
It was kind of strange to get an e-mail and actually know the background of the picture. I remembered hearing about this but never thought it would cruise the net.
Nice Buck indeed, However I don't think that Mother Nature intended for that fence to be there. More of a man made thing.
That is a great buck, I love mass and trash, but it sure looks like a painful way to go.
Not a good way to go. One of my arrows would have been a much more fitting demise[Wink]

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