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ODFW Recreation Report
Learn to hunt and fish at ODFW workshops

ODFW's Passport to the Outdoors program hosts workshops around the state to introduce beginners to hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities. During the next six months, you can try rabbit hunting near Corvallis, archery in Eagle Creek, fly-tying in John Day and Pendleton and fly-fishing at Camp Sherman along the beautiful Metolius River. Visit the link below for schedule and registration information. Gift certificates for the workshops are also available to introduce a friend or family member to the outdoors; call 503-947-6025 to order.

Whale Watching

The winter migration is underway. The whales are not slowed by calves in the pod and single-mindedly drive southwards in straight lines a few miles offshore. You can see their spouts, but they are distant. About 18,000 gray whales will pass by the Oregon coast in four weeks from mid-December to mid-January. During Winter Whale Watching Week-Wed,Dec. 26, 2007 through Tue., Jan 1, 2008-trained volunteers will be present at 28 sites along the coast;to show visitors the gray whales. Times and locations

Fishing: Family-friendly crabbing on the coast; trout stocked ponds

Families heading to the coast for the holiday, this is a great time for crabbing. Families can catch a delicious dinner crabbing from public docks; kids often enjoy sorting out the smaller crab that can be abundant. Bay crabbing often slows after heavy rain because crab head toward the ocean where the water is more salty. More information on crabbing

Willamette zone anglers, another good family-fishing opportunity are the recently-stocked ponds Junction City Pond, Walter Wirth Lake and Walling Pond in Salem, Huddleston Pond and Sheridan Pond.

Hunting: Still time to get your holiday turkey

Turkey hunting continues to grow in popularity in Oregon but there are still about 125 fall turkey tags left. General fall turkey season is open in Southwest and portions of Northwest and Willamette zones through Dec. 31.


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