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Hillery "new conspericy theriory"
"new conspericy theriory"

she has come to detroit today, as I have said many times in the past, I never buy in to coincendences....

granted she has somewhat a valid reason for coming to michigan, altho I thought she should have gone to lansing rather than detroit...

which I think a new democratic election the way they plan on setting it up is a farce, they plan on only alowing those who voted democrat in the jan primary to vote, not the people who did not vote, and not the people who voted republican because their democratic nominee was not on the ballot...

so down to the conspericy, as every one here knows, Kawmy is in hot water, hilery has money and political pull, enough to make his problems go away if he guarentees those same dead people who voted for him crawl back up out of the ground to vote for her on the primary and november election....

If his problems which has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt that he has comitted pergery goes away, well we all will know who and what happend.....[crazy]

any other polititions in michigan need to be bought by the elect hillery campain?

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