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Shark fishing? Crazy?
Going to Langley VA as a bass fisherman and would like to catch a shark. Would this be a good idea on a bass boat in the bay or should I consider a bigger boat. Also is a black minn kota going to turn into junk in brackish/ saltwater? Any advice? Thanks
Absolutely not crazy to want to catch a shark. We fish for them in Mass. and it's the most enjoyable fishing that you'll ever do. Question. Who will you have with you? Do they know their arse from their elbow? You'll need someone else's help landing/releasing a shark. The edible ones make great eating, just know your rules.

I don't know about the electric motor, rinse out your outboard afterwards; I'd assume the same with everything else.

Get the right gear and see what types of sharks you'd expect. WIND ON LEADERS. Very safe and important. ARC de-hooker is good too. Don't worry about the shark swalling the hook--as soon as you see movement in the bobber, reel in and set the hook. Don't let them suck the whole bait down. Circle hooks and wire leader. Bring gloves and appropriate ropes if you're going to keep one.

Good luck and I'm happy to help!

Hey thanks for the advice. I think I've been watching a little too much shark week- in anycase I love a challenge. I've been mostly freshwater fishing for bass and that sort of stuff so this is a new step. I planned on using my bass boat in the Norfolk-bay area unless the water is way too rough then I might have to upgrade. When you shark fish do you have to chum alot? Where do you get your bait? I have a throw net and would hate to go to the fish market every week. My research is still in the small phase but any info or HEY DON'T THAT would be helpful. I'm still overseas now and plan on being moved by march-so the excitement is building. Thanks again
I don't know those waters, unfortunately. When we shark fish up here, we bring two 4-gallon frozen chum buckets, a gallon of fish oil (don't need that much, though), and plenty of baits. We're fishing for big blue sharks and makos, so the baits are big ----whole bluefish fillets (from 10 pound fish) and 16/0 circle hooks on wire leaders.

Down there, in the bay, I doubt you need that heavy of tackle.

If you don't have the stuff, call a bait shop/email them with what you'd need locally. Buy what you need from them and they'll hook you up with local knowledge....

Good luck! Rich
I guess I'll do a little ground work when I get on station. Thanks

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