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A New Hunting Partner!
Got home with a new hunting buddy today. An 8 month old Deutsch Drahthaar! She's a great little pup. Had a chance to hunt behind her last night, then with her dad this morning. I think she's got some great potential! I picked her up from the Pleasant Valley Kennels, out near Duchesne. Jon Davis is a top notch handler. He's got a good eye for dogs, and is one of the best trainers I personally have met. His finished dogs were A+. I hope to one day have this little pup near that level of mastery. If any of you are looking for a pup, or looking to get your dog started, force fetched or finished, these guys know their stuff. They are together with the Pleasant Valley Hunting Preserve, so they are able to work a lot of birds for many months. Well worth the investment if you are struggling with your dog. Here is a a picture of her on point last night. I'll try to get a better picture of her in some different light, but she is a very dark brown, with the mixed coat in the middle. Sure wish there was more time to hunt with her this season!
[inline akira.jpg]
Very nice looking pooch my friend! Good luck to you with him. I will be waiting for some killer bird hunting posts from you this fall!
By far, the greatest all around hunting breed ever!!!

I have owned Shorthairs, Labs, Brittanys and a Drathaar.

Nothing compares, you made a great choice and its a great looking pup. I really miss hunting with mine.
i have about a 8 month wiemeriener, cant wait to see her lock up but didnt get to see it this season our birds are just to wild wont hold, she did flush a bunch. it sure brings a good feeling to see the hard work you put into training a dog pay off.
Hey killer funny.......I worked out at the preserve with Jon all season you made a great choice with that kennel those guys ARE top notch. I am excited for you. I dont have droughts but have 2 wire hairs that I trained this year at the preserve with Jon and Brian helping me giving me tips and pointers ect. cant tell you how valuable it was to me.
are you a member? Ill be a pheasant guide next year now that my pups have a good year under their collars at a place with a lot of ground and al lot of residual birds to chase ( that was a perk of the job diddnt have to shoot every bird that got up) Im not that rich. Anyway just had to respond because she is a great lookin dog do you know if Rex was the stud? now that dog i a stud i hunted ducks with those guys a couple of times this year good stuff wish i could have gone more!!!! by the way Im Scott maybe we have already met Im the chef at FALCONS LEDGE and did lunch at the preserve on the really crazy days. After lunch the time was for my dogs in the field. What a fun year! I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for the reply FOD. They have a great place out there. Like you say, lots of good country with lots of carry over birds. Truly a little slice of heaven. I'm not a member, but am sorely tempted. Jon showed me around the place, we worked over Blingit Six, and Hollywood while we were out there. Heck, it's usually about $600 for a trip to NoDak, so I could buy those birds, go have a great shoot, and keep it close to home. I'd also like to get in a Duck/Goose hunt with them, we saw a ton of mallards coming off the river to the fields. Too bad the duck hunt was shut down.

Rex is the sire. He is one hunting machine! Heck I liked what I saw with her on Friday night, but I got to guide with Jon and Rex Saturday morning, and man, that dog is a beast! I hope he threw lots of good huntin' genes with my pup.

You've got a couple of nice lookin' dogs. Maybe we can get together in the field one day.
I think your on the right path. Blingit and hollywood has some of the thickest cover on the preserve. If your dog found any birds it has to have a nose!!! Going to the Dakotas, Montana ,Iowa is always a memorable trip but driving out to the basin is a lot more justifiable to me and might be less expensive even after membership fees and birds plus the season isn't over till the end of March. Lots of how I see it "extra" field training time for the pups i'm sure you realized this already but hey maybe not. I am going to go a few more times this year and always need a hunting buddy I live in Salt Lake and the guides are the only people that I know out their but cant hunt with them cause their usually working when I get a few hours. Do you live in the Basin. My dogs really need to get out, sounds like fun after a few slow days ice fishing. Id like to go out their to do that also!! The ducks!!!! wow I am sure I missed out on a few epic field hunts their is always next year The extended light goose hunt left to look forward to know any spots? Your dog will make a killer waterfowl dog too!!! stay in touch[cool]
Now all you need to do is get her "Shed Trained", and you will make some serious money. [cool]
I'm considering getting a shed dog in a few years, that would be a blast!
sorryHJ, what is shed trained? I have a couple of ideas that I wont say so i dont feel stupid. just curious
Shed antlers. [Wink]
It's fairly new, but people are training dogs to find antlers and it's getting pretty popular. People are paying top dollar for sheds now days and for me, it's one of the funnest activities of the year.
Sorry I didn't clarify, you probably thought I meant "Trained to stay in the shed all day" or something.
[sly] oops!
OHHH I see now I can say what I was thinking. I Ice fish and take my dogs with me all the time. I have trained them to lay on the floor of the SHED or Shack while I am in their fishing. It is hard for a dog but its good training for blind hunting waterfowl. that is one thing i thought of. another is to shed its coat all at once or something like that. One thing about those droughts and German wire haired pointers they have great coats in most cases. My house doesnt have nearly the fur as it did with a lab. and I have Two GWP's and i dont really notice too much SHEDDING. anyways ha ha thats a great idea about the antlers I might try it sometime. If you see me ice fishing Im the one with the dogs(Clash of the Titans)they love playin out on the open ice fields.

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