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Lost Creek
Fished Lost Creek today with a new fishing friend and his two young children. We caught 34 rainbows. I would recommend Lost Creek for anyone who wants to catch lots of fish, and doesn't mind catching smaller fish. We caught all of the fish trolling. Interestingly, we caught most of the fish on leaded line with only about 2/3 of one color out and with about 10 feet of leader behind the leaded line. A Carter Spoon worked well, but probably most lures and a fly in the evening or early morning would work. I don't recall ever catching fish trolling that close behind the boat. Trolling speed 2.3 mph and the water was about 68 -69 degrees. Lost Creek is down approximately 80 vertical feet; however, no problems launching a boat.
Nice report Kentofnsl. Glad you guys could show some kids some nice fishing action. Nice to get them hooked early. Good luck next time you head out.
Great report Kent, I've never heard of someone using 2/3 of one color of lead core line to catch fish. Is this a new method or have you tried it before? One more question, could you have done just as good with mono by letting out more line? WH2
I have had experienced fisherman fish the prop wash on my boat before, saying that fish are sometimes attracted to the spinning prop, but they never caught any fish while I was with them. On a lark, I decided to give it a try for a few minutes, and found it to be red hot (so much for the outboard and boat always scattering the fish). I plan on trying it every fishing trip that I troll for awhile, and see if I can get a pattern to when it works and when it doesn't (I tried it yesterday at Strawberry for a few minutes and it didn't work). We were also catching fish long-lining mono line at Lost Creek.
I would never have thought it would work for trout but on several trips to Willard that method has worked for wipers. We caught one Saturday before the fish -n-feed not more than 15ft behind the boat as my son was letting out line but trout fishing, I thought was different, I guess not. Good idea Kent. WH2

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