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ditchdoc666, Chick, Bass, 2-9-09, Jinks & Skunks outta the way
Well talk about a crazy day,Got all the Jinks,Skunks and voodoo out all in one day,so the rest of the year has gotta be good,started out around 9am at CFP,put the boat in tied her up and was going to put a new bow stop on the front of the trailer so brought all my tools and the old one was bent so that took longer and went to put the new one on and the bolt was bigger emoBang crap now what to do,cant put the old one back on and boat is in the water,so met a guy at the ramp and his batteries were dead and was waiting for a new one asked him if he would watch the ranger till I could run down to fish-N-fun and see if i could borrow a drill,they fixed me up right away emoToast gotta love those guys,thats when I realized i had left the new one on the tounge and had drove off emoBang hope it was still in the parking lot when I got back,It was right where I left it in the same parking spot emoDance My luck is holding,Michael was still there waiting so we tried to jump his big 225 off and it would barely turn with my cables so no luck there.Went up by the nuke plant and picked up a cpl of small fish and talked to Eric awhile and then ran south of the park and the wind started howling and I thought what else could go wrong,But the next few spots I tried payed off big time had 6 keepers all solid fish so ended up being blessed after all,I had one fish with a black mark on it's head real weird looking like a birth mark ended the day before dark and made it home with everything still working. All fish caught in 16-23ft of water on jig and rattle trap water temp varied from 43-49deg emoDance emoDance

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