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EricM, Chick ultralight, blue cats, 02-09-09
I decided to run out after my rehab this morning and fish until the wind got high. It was another beautiful morning, and since there were few fishermen around to get in the way, I pulled out the 7' ultralight casting rod and 4 pound line and had at the blue cats again. They were SLOW (as was the current) but a few fell to my presentation, the largest being 11 pounds today and several in the 8 and 9 pound range. After 8 fish, the wind really started to howl and I quit before it got too rough. I took a photo of a 9 pounder - didn't want to waste pixels on the other fish. One of these days I'll manage a 50+ on that 4 lb line - but I might want to wait until the days get longer!!!!!!! emoLaugh emoTongue

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