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hooker771, Chick, struck out, 2/9/09
Well I hate getting on here and reading all these reports with nothing to offer but I hate posting a goose egg too. Maybe you can take something from this. We went out and fished Cutthroats tournament on Saturday and didnt catch one bass. The water temp was low 44 or so from what I remember. We fished everything but mostly cranks and jerk baits. I had a large fish pull of on a silver buddy and Ryan had a large fish break off his jerk bait. Other than that Nada.<br /><br />Today I took off work thinking that 2 more days of sunny weather would get the water temp up and fish active. I was right on one of two anyway. The water temp hovered around 50 degrees depending on where you were. Still, not one single bight. I stayed with the jerk baits and the traps/cranks. I also threw the shakey head when the wind allowed it. The bait is very thick in coves but it didnt help me any. I didnt see one splash all day that wasnt a gull. <br /><br />Anyway, looks like the weather is going to hold up over the next 10 days or so. Id say by this weekend you will be reading happier reports than this one. emoToast

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