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Gov't reeling in more fisherman fees
Gov't reeling in more
fisherman fees
Updated: Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009, 5:45 PM EST
Published : Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009, 5:44 PM EST

[ul][li]Story by: [url ""]Tina Detelj[/url] [/li][/ul]
New London (WTNH) - Hard economic times are especially tough right now for shell fishermen. Because of the economy, clam sales are down and now a proposal to raise state fees threatens their livelihood.
"Putting another nail in the coffin," Fisherman Mike Theiler said. "There's no two ways about it."
The state is hoping to add a dollar to every bushel or bag of clams he hauls in. It's an increase he said won't add much to state coffers but will mean a world of difference to him.
"We're getting $12 a bag for chowder clams now," Theiler said. "If we add a dollar a bag clam tax that's almost 10 percent tax. We already pay lease fees."
He said the more fees fishermen pay, the more fishermen will be out of work.
In addition to adding to the cost of clams, fishermen say other fees could put them out of business.
They fear the cost of required lobster trap tags could go up while their tax breaks could be cut.
"Most of the fees across the board are going up," Theiler said. "I mean, the state's having a rough time as well."

Lawmakers are hearing from a number of people protesting proposed cuts the governor said are needed to keep the state running. Tough decisions and now a tough fight for fishermen lobbying for their livelihood.

"This is a farming operation. When you turnaround and start charging the apple orchards a dollar per basket of apples, where does it stop? Why does it start here?" Crismale said.
It's a question certainly posed to lawmakers during the hearing. The fee increase would go to support the state [url ""]Department of Environmental Protection[/url] .
The governor's office said many of the proposed fees haven't been raised since the early 1990's. The proposed budget contains no tax increases or cuts to municipal aid.
Hold on to your hat. We may see all our licenses and fees double. Why always on the backs of sportsman.
ya know, clam pickers are comercial, the down side to what is happening is that the smaller clam pickers companies will be forced out of business where as the larger clam picker corps will see a boon in prosperity..

"the rich getting richer"

in these times of economic slumps that is exactly what happens. time and time again....

in michigan, we got slapped with a residential property tax increase to pay for all those tax breaks they gave to ford motor company.

I just got my tax essesment last week, my property value dropped $20,000.oo and my taxible value went up 17% wich means I got a property tax hike of about $100.oo for the year and loss of $20,000.oo in home equity on my home... Whats worse is I cant claim that loss on my income tax.[pirate]

worse yet is my house is now valued at 50% of what it would cost to rebuild, looks like I will have to cut back on the hallapino dip, lord forbid should I let one fly near a spark. with the deflated value of my property it makes me wonder if the insurance company wont use a buy out clause in thier pollicy and put me out on the street.

buy out clause meaning "rebuld, replace, or buy out wich ever is cheeper" incase of fire or other accidental distruction...[pirate]

I could go on, but it scares me to even think about it...

so the small clam picker will be facing now even more grulling slopy shore to endure just to keep his head out of water... :Pun intended

I cirtainly can understand his plight, [#ff0000]one dose have to ask[/#ff0000], [#6000bf]What the hey? my state just got a fist full of billions, So why do I have to take the hit?[/#6000bf]

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