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Eye_racki Monster... the MANGAR
[font "Consolas"]WHOOO FORKIN HOOO!!!!!!! HOLY DOO DOO YA'LL!!! Ok so there I was fishing my usual spot and we weren't gettin squat. Pritchard and I decided to move over to the old Chapel and fish the bridge and see what shakes loose. Well the baby asps were bitin, nabbed 10 of them in about 20 minutes. I decided to move down a bit further to get away from the trees and the cars and in the corner by the bridge I heard a big splash and a boil.. "hmmm musta been sumptin big" I thought... I whipped my size 2 black wooly bugger with big bead chain eyes into the small weed bed in the corner and before I could mend line and get ready to strip there was a huge crash and I felt the line singing through my fingers. Before I realized I had a GOOD fish on she pulled the line all the way through my fingers and the drag began it's song... She railed off about 3/4's of my fly line in about a second and I finally got my wits about me. I jammed my palm to the side of the reel and let it sing. Man, what a great song :-) Then all the bad things that could go wrong started going through my head... will the leader hold? Is my backing really tied on? I hope there isn’t anything on the bottom to snag up on... She made another blistering run and had me into the backing a good 40 feet before I realized what was happening. I started walking back and forth following her and gaining line. Reel a little, shed take a little. After about what seemed like 3 days, about 5 minutes actually, I really started gaining line and I could see my leader. Finally she made an appearance, it was a Mangar! One of the two species left for me to catch here in the VBC. I really got excited now. A little more fight and she really started to go where I wanted her to go. I walked over to the steps that go down to the water and slipped my fingers under her gill plate and she was MINE!!! After practicing CPR (Catch, Photo, Release) she swam away strong and fast to fight another day. 34 inches long, about 9 inches thick, a good almost foot across the hump and since I don't have a scale I am guessing at about 15-20 lbs... felt heavier than the 35" redfish I caught so I am leaning more towards 20lbs. Fishin Tournament is Saturday and I am pumped up for it! Enjoy the photo! [/font]
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[center][inline 34in_Mangar-1.jpg]
awesome !! story and fish..

MacFly [cool]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hey Nikonjedi - thanks for sharing your story & pics. [/size][/#008000][/font][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Meant to mention that several fly clubs/organizations that I belong to contribute to the Wounded Warriors. We're all glad to help out.[/size][/#008000][/font]
WAHOOO! That story had me right there next to you. That is soo cool!
YOU ARE MY HERO in more ways than one.

Keep up the great fight! Hopefully just fish[Wink]
Awesome report. I always love chasing new species. I am glad you guys get the opportunity to get a little fishing in.

Good luck on your last species.

Wow. nice report and nice pics. Keep up the good work and we look forward to your next report. Please let us know how your tournament turns out.[cool]

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