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Fluke Fishing Off to a Good Start
[url ""]Fluke Fishing Off to a Good Start[/url]
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
by Capt. Allen Fee
Finally after a long wait, the 2009 fluke season is upon us and doing well. Lots of recent confusion regarding new regulations, and chatter of a marine fishing license, has all anglers fearful of doing the wrong thing in the wrong place. The most important thing a fisherman operating a boat can learn, is where the state boundaries overlying the waters are. Some of the more recent model GPS navigators run charting software, which include these boundary lines. A lesser expensive approach would be to obtain a Captain Seagull’s Chart of Fishers Island Sound. This chart is one of the few charts that clearly define the CT, New York, and Rhode Island demarcations. Presently fluke fishing is open in CT and Rhode Island. New York closed its fluke fishing the day after CT opened theirs, and will reopen July 3rd.
Opening day in CT showed good numbers in fluke caught while the size was slightly lacking. “Not too many keepers out there.” reported Dana Pollard, Mystic, who worked hard to get his three fish limit.
Misquamicut Beach was very good over the weekend. Most drifted at depths of forty-five to sixty feet. Bare in mind that, although Rhode Island has a six fish limit, you may only possess three per person in CT. Also don’t enter New York waters with any fluke, until it reopens in July.
Striper catches are still doing well from Lord’s Passage over to Watch Hill Reef. Cheryl at Shaffer’s Bait and Tackle is selling lots of parachute jigs and trolling wire. Shaffer’s also stocks the charts mentioned earlier.
Scup or porgy catches in the Mystic River Park are still doing well using sandworms or squid. Some blues were also caught up at the bend in River Road, near the I-95 overpass. Bob Lamphere and the two Rays compete regularly for “High Hook” of the Mystic River.
For a complete listing of the marine regulations or a local tide table, visit [url ""][/url] or stop by the store.
Shaffer’s Bait and Tackle
106 Mason’s Island Road
Mystic, CT

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