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Tubing SFD

Well i dont have any pics, sorry my phone was being stupid when i was trying to take some.
Well i got an early birthday present that was a float tube over the weekend from my parents which happends to be today 09/09/09 =)
So I tried it out yesterday i was making my way to the East side of the lake using plastic worms on a Texas rig set up. I got a huge hit in the morning it put up a hell of a fish maybe took almost 2 min to bring it into my tube, it was pulling me around too lol [Image: rofl.gif] It came in 17 inches and about 4-5 pounds Large mouth. What a beautiful fish its only my 2nd time fishing for LM so i only had to worms to fish. It was my only catch a few bites but couldn't set the hook. I apologize i have no pics i tried for 2-4 min but gave up because i wanted to release it for other anglers to enjoy (but im not gonna lie, i thought about how good it would be to eat >_<) Are some spinners and cranks good at that lake for Bass? Im new to fishing Bass so excuse my ignorance.
Well hope it was a fun read, cant wait to take out the tube more often now.
Forza Juve
Happy Birthday Juventino! Sounds like you spent it will. Congrats on the fine bass, I have not caught my first bass yet. Happy to hear you did. I'd say your Hooked too!

Thanks for the report.

Now.... go eat some CAKE!

[cool][#0000ff]Congrats on a nice birthday fish and a successful introduction to tubing. It only gets better. Happy birthday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Not familiar with the lake you mentioned. Most lakes have their own special secrets and the fish in them often behave in their own funny ways. You just have to fish a lake throughout the year and learn the spots and the habits of the fish. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you want to become a serious bass chaser, you should always carry an assortment of hardbaits, plastics and spinnerbaits. Each requires a bit of practice to learn proper presentation...and what conditions under which each works best. That can take a lifetime of study and on the water "lab work". Tough duty.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I suggest you fire up your search engines and go to the Internet for some heavy reading. Lots of stuff on bass fishing and on bass lures. If you go to the Library in your area you may be able to find videos of different bass fishing subjects. If all else fails, check out some books.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We can tell you how to apply what you know to float tube fishing but there is not enough bandwidth on this forum to hold all of the information available on bass fishing as a topic.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck, keep fishing and again...happy birthday.[/#0000ff]
Thank you both
Trust me i have been doing some reading on Bass fishing, Its a new type of fishing to learn which is fun since i mostly fish for trout or catfish
Happy Bday and welcome aboard.[sly] I will be working with MaDfisher so he can catch his first bass.[cool] Bass are fun as you already know, but make sure you got the necessary gear. [fishin]
Thank you very much
Happy Birthday!! What a neat way to celibrate your birthday.
It is good to hear all went well. ole giller
Happy B-Day from me also! Here's to many more bass[fishon]
Ok, so where's SFD? Did you weigh it? Just curious because 17 inches sounds like about a 2-3 pounder, which is still a nice fish.

TubeDude is right, bass react differently to different presentations depending on where you fish. Sometimes you will come across a piece of water that screams for a certain bait, but it won't produce. You might come across the exact same setup on a different lake and BOOM!, you're hooked up.

There's always more to learn, I've been bass fishing for over 20 years and learn new stuff all the time.

Happy belated.

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