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Fishing Year
We all have good years and bad years fishing. I had a great year trout fishing, and an average year bass fishing. I caught tons of trout at Salmon River and Farminton River. Bass fishing I had the most luck at Moodus Reservoir.I know it is still not over yet, but it is coming to an end(Unless you guys ice fish). Especially with how cold it's getting. Once hunting season starts I kind of begin to forget about fishing[frown]. But I was just curious to see on how everyone did this year in CT.
well this year,i didnt get out hardly at all.but when i did i i landed fish.i am looking forward to the hard water.
What do you usually target below the ice?[fishin]
depending on the lake,its usually bass,trout,pickerel
Can't say it was a great year for me, but the few good days Tom was their to witness it. [cool] Must bring luck to the Lund. Fluke were great except for all the shorts.[:/] Even VT was a bust for me this year. Unless we get a warmer weekend, I'll be putting the boat away. I did get more time to fish with the oldman, so that in itself was worth the trips.
I was much like a hibernating bear this year when it comes to fishing as well,

I made it out for the trout opener and the following week, and then nothing to speak of till just a cople weeks ago...

I as well am looking for hard water, havent caught a blue gill in almost a year... [pirate]
I know people say bluegill tastes great but I haven't caught one in a while that's been worth taking home for dinner. Have you eaten them before? If so how do you prepare them?
click on my user name and look at my latest artical Ice Fishing Tip #73 How to process a Pan Fish

or you can search for it under Ice Fishing Tip of the day thread on the ice fishing board. If you go the first way, it will take you right to it.

then I take

[ul][li]one cup self rising flower [/li][li]1/4 cup cornmeal [/li][li]one egg[/li][li]salt[/li][li]and just a dash of cyanne pepper[/li][li]milk, water or bear, just enough to make a thick or thin batter depending on how you like your fish[/li][li]use crisco or penut oil to fry your fish.[/li][li]get your medium it to 350 degrees[/li][li]dry your fish on a white towl or paper towl [/li][li]dip in to batter and lay in skillet or deap fryer or pancake grittle if you wish to bave breaded and not fryed fish.[/li][li]cook till golden brown and flip and do the other side if using a skillet or grittle. in a deap fryer it is more of a timed thing so checking your fryer instructions will give you your best results. "remember those are suggested settings so you should monitor and ajust your time and settings untill you come down with a sure fire method of using your fryer on gills."[/li][li]have plenty of catchup or cocktail sause on hand.[/li][li]Gills are as taisty cold as they are hot... now how many other foods can you say that about?[/li][/ul]
dont use other cooking oils unless you want a lard belly and I do mean rock gut and it will hurt for a good day or so.... Wesson is one of the worst. Fish batter will soak up oil and it is for that reason you want to use a digestable medium.
I forgot to mention, Deap fryer oils can be cleaned by frying potatos after your done with the fish and then strainging your oil though a fine mesh screan or filter.

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