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Rumors, speculation still rampant about future of FLW Outdoors
I read this this a.m.
"We rarely see much of this in the fishing world. But we're getting a glimpse of it now with the FLW Outdoors situation in relation to the Genmar bankruptcy auction last week. The two-day hearing ended Friday with a subsidiary of Platinum Equity of Beverly Hills gaining 11 Genmar brands for $70 million, including Ranger Boats.

Because FLW Outdoors tournaments and Ranger boats have been owned, in whole or part, by Irwin Jacobs, they were linked to help each other. The tournament circuits helped drive sales of Ranger, and Ranger's legendary brand name was a platinum seal on the tournaments and anglers driving the rigs. There was no mistaking that one of FLW Outdoors' missions, if not the mission, was to sell boats.

Now, Jacobs doesn't own Ranger anymore and the rumblings are beginning like with coaches and football teams. Will Ranger and FLW still get along? Will they part ways? Will anglers who had Ranger deals get their boats?

If Ranger did leave FLW, and after losing Walmart and Pure Fishing among other sponsors, would the tour fall apart and shut down? That may be the big kahuna, because for a long time people have wondered if the tour was a house of cards built on Walmart's name and whether it would fall apart should the two part ways."

It would be a real shame to see the FLW go away!!! Anyone know how that whole thing is shaping up?

TheAngler BFT Moderator

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