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Super Sunday on Mead !!!
I had a Super Sunday!!! Went out at about 7:30AM, got a 20LB'er just outside of bouy's leaving Boulder Harbor on a 12" AC Original( trout pattern ). Didn't have any other action until 2:40PM inside bouy's between handicap pier and the 2nd road towards Boulder Harbor. Where I got a 10LB'er on AC Original ( Black & Silver ). Both lived to see another day!!!!
touch down chad. nice work sir.
Hello Chad,

Great job on the big fish!! In your picture it looks like the back hook is straighten out? How was the fight? Good job on the release. Now someone else can have the experience you had.

Thanks guys, yeah the big one actually straightened out 2 of them that I had to re-shape a little. I was out about 170 on both and the big one fought hard for about 100' on it's way in. The smaller one didn't quit at all, worked it's way around boat. I was surprised.
Good job man! Hell, I was out on Sunday doing the same exact thing, but I left empty handed.

Nice to see that someone is catching fish!
Way to go bro! Too bad we didn't have that kind of luck Friday! Maybe it's me??? [Wink]

Can't wait to get out there again!
Thanks Whizzle, Thanks Tom. So you were out there sunday also Whizzle? I was on the big pontoon boat, I didn't see too many others out so I'm sure we passed each other at some point if you were in the Hemingway area.

Yeah we definately need to get back out there. I'm thinking I might be able to sneak away tomorrow, things are looking good as of right now. I won't know until the morning.
I think it's supposed to be crappy out there the next couple of days...wind/rain, etc.

Thursday should be better weather-wise, I was actually planning on getting out and doing some shore fishing then. Going to do some of my own experimentation, and try some of the things I read on Wayne's Word.

If all else fails, you think we could plan on Sunday? Get out on the water at daybreak and go all day?

Call me when you get a chance tomorrow and we'll plan.

Also, you know when the next striper club meeting is?
Hey Tom, yeah I heard it's supposed be rough out there. I might give it a shot as long as it's not really windy, a little rain throughout the day won't bother me. As for the rest of the week, I don't know if I will have a chance. Sunday might work also, have a couple of things pending at this point, but fishing always sounds better. I will get a hold of you later in the week.

I will find out when next meeting is.
Yeah...I found out I have something pending as well on Sunday...Valentine's Day...always something.

Although, Monday is President's Day. Don't know if you have to work or not...maybe that would work. Saturday would be ok with me too.

We'll talk later this week.

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