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weird catches?
I stole this idea from the fly fishing board, but it sound like it could be interesting...
I was wondering if anybody had any funny stories of weird things they've caught or snagged. I'll say that I've caught a peice of carpet, two rocks (not just snagged but actually reeled in, two different times, both were lava rock with little holes for the hook to lodge in), and my thumbs and fingers a bunch of times... but my favorite was some years ago in Hell's Canyon steelhead fishing I pulled up a nice steelhead casting rod in good condition and everything, I still use it to this day! (no it wasn't the rod that YOU lost (just in case [Wink]))
Sturgeon rod sidedrifting for steelhead in hells canyon. Nine foot sturgeon once again sidedrifting for steelhead in hells canyon. Hooked a fly rod on the rogue river in oregon. Hooked a branch at riggins salmon fishing that had about 8 quikfish and a few jet divers stuck on it.
Did you land the sturgeon? did your rod survive?[shocked]
I caught a rock with a piece of deep sear coral on it in Alaska. We were fishing for Halibut, and when I started to reel up to check the bait, which is bad enough at 275 feet depth!! My got a serious bend and due to the wave action that day it felt like something was moving on the end of my line! All excited I got hauling this thing in and it turned out to be a 20 ld rock with a sturdy peice of coral growing on in, and my hook embedded in the coral somehow.

Lots of fun!! I was too dumb to take a picture though!!
fly fishing the dream stream in CO with a streamer due to tyhe stained water, i hooked into what i thought was the largest trout of my life... turns out it was the plastic ring for a 6 pack and it still had 4 full beers on it.... i then proceded to drink the 4 full beers.

fly fishing the same river, almost the same place, i caught an OK Sooners hat.... kinda obvious why that was thrown out.

fishing the IL river below Starved Rock, i hooked into what i thought was a big cat fish.... turns out it was a flat rock... i was going to toss it up on shore when i flipped it over, it has the fossilized spine of something in the rock... i still have that rock in my house!
[laugh][laugh] LOL,
Last spring on the lower Henrys Fork I decided to throw a streamer into this big promising hole, nothing for a few casts then I hooked into what I thought was the biggest trout of my life, but after fighting it for a while it surfaced downstream from me and gave up. it turned out to be about a 7 or 8 lb sucker that I snagged in the motor! needless to say I was a little mad!
[quote iliketofish]Did you land the sturgeon? did your rod survive?[shocked][/quote]

Rod survived but the sturgeon broke my 10lb leader after about five minutes. Those Gloomis 1082's are pretty impressive
ive caught plastic bags in the snake river a few rocks here and there. a flattened milk jug. i caught my own minnow trap after it came untied and drifted into this big back eddy i was fishing. i have caught the back of my ear when i have been fly fishing. but the two strangest things i have ever reeled in were a CB radio on the salmon river at owl creek and a deer skull with a bullet hole in the top of its head.
When I was a kid my dad reeled in a Zebco rod and reel. That was when they first came out and they were really junk. We took a look at it, then he dropped it over the gunwale again.
I don't know if this counts as weird or just gross. Fishing for sturgeon on the willamette in Portland my buddy reeled up his gear to find a condom on his lead. The sick bastard took it off with his hand and threw it on my other buddy that was in the boat also. I waited to laugh until it made it's way out of the boat because i didn't want that thing thrown on me next. I guess it could of been worse, i'm sure there is body or two sitting in the willamette and columbia somewhere
When my family and I lived in Alaska, we often jigged for bait herring in the local marina. I was jigging when all of the sudden I hooked what I thought was the mother of all herring! After a surprisingly good fight a sea duck popped up hooked in the foot.[crazy] My buddy reached down to grab it and the little sucker pecked him and drew blood! haha While laughing with my friend the duck dove and out popped the hook. Never would have guessed I was fighting a bird! haha
I hooked what I thought was a huge trout fishing in a lake near Seattle. Turned out to be a 12" rainbow with a leader with swivel still attached coming out of its butt. My hook went right through the eye on the swivel.

I also managed to get my line tangled in a pontoon paddle bike thing when the guy ran over my just casted out line. He fell off the bike and landed in the water getting it untangled from the drive mechanism, and his wife was super pissed at me. Why they were so close to the dock when they had the whole lake is beyond me.
While fishing the South Fork of the Snake, while casting a large wet fly I had a swallow take my fly on the back cast, the fly was almost as big as he was not only did it break his neck but it really screwed up my cast.
I want to know what other forum and what name are you there...he, he, he.

Me, a Coke Can and despite the fact it was a DIET, it actually put up a good fight.

Oh and several Volcanic rock, a mudd lark, and several Crayfish.
Great stories! While bass fishing in a small pond in my pontoon I set the hook and reeled up somebody's old line and then a stick and more line that pulled back. I kept pulling in the line and there was a catfish, 3lbs or so, that had swallowed a smaller catfish. The dead catfish had a line going into it's mouth and was half decomposed and halfway down the bigger catfishes mouth. What I imagined happened is that the small catfish ate the bait, broke the line but was tangled on the stick and died. The bigger catfish ate the smaller one and the hook penetrated the dead one hooking the larger one with the the stick and all the line to go with it. I was able to cut the line away but not able to get the hook out of the bigger catfish. It swam away but I could not get the stink of dead rotting catfish off my hands the whole day.
To top that I reeled up a latex glove stuck to a pair of sunglasses on the Jordan River in Utah, yuck!

Last June I was fishing a few miles south of Bend, OR on this river. I was casting a small joint rapala for rainbows when this bird snatched it out of the air before it the water. It was pretty cool reeling this bird while it was flying around. I also caught a water snake in the Blanco River in Texas on a texas rigged worm.

[inline 090621_151145.jpg][inline 090621_151201.jpg]
Both weird catches of mine were birds. While fishing of a pier in NC, I hooked a Seagull as it flew by. These seagulls are not like the ones here, they have a wingspan of about 3'. It was a heck of a fight with 40lb test. Only reason I got that one in was because the seagull ended up tangling it self up even more in the line once it tried to land on the water. Once I got it on the pier, it was like, 'Now what'? That was one upset bird. It took 3 of us to hold it down and remove all the line.

The second bird was a few years ago just below PaliSades dam. I was fishing with a Rapala and there were quite a few Pelicans hanging around. I ended up casting out in the middle and the Pelican decided it was hungry. I then learned that you can not stop a Pelican trying to take off and fly even with 20lb line. He peeled line off my reel faster than any fish I have ever hooked. About half of my line was off the spool when I decided it was a no win situation. I cranked the drag down and finally broke the line and watched the Pelican fly off with a $9 Rapala. Not really a catch I guess, but it is something I would not want to do again. Those birds are big and powerful.
It was the bft fly fishing forum, and actually your diet can fish that got me thinking, I just think this board gets more traffic, so more replies and funny stories
Glad to know that I'm not the only one who catches rocks from time to time!
I've landed 3 rocks, uncountable numbers of logs, hit, but not hooked 2 birds. By far the most amazing was steelheading about 3 years ago below shoup. Bottom bouncing I fell something on. I reel in and my hook is through the split ring on a 3 way swivel w/ lead, going to the hook which has hooked another similar set up in the same spot and on the end of that one is a cutthroat trout that had actually taken the fly!. I was the 3rd person to hook into the set and then got to land the fish (released of course[Wink])
Right on, this came up on some other forums too.
Did you C&R your rocks?[sly]

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