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2jigs, The Chick., Bass, 03-14-10, ********
<br /> We got out about 3:00pm Sun. to wind & light rain. Partner says you want to go where I got the two 4Lb'ers last time I was out? emoScratch emoDoh Uh Yep! We were setting in 3-6 ft.- 2-3rds of the way back in a creek throwing jerks & traps in realy stained water. popin & dropin the 1/4 oz. traps was the ticket! first 5-7 fish realy wanted it. There was a grass line I was droping it in to.<br /> We then picked up another prety good fish, mid way back in a little cut off, same depth as before. Bass were running 2 & 3/4Lbs to 4 Lbs. We got to the back & found the sweat spot. Prob. another 8-10 fish around the same weight except for one around 5Lbs. Could have had more if my partner woudn't have kept getting hung up where we were getting bit emoBang . We did see the wild life realy active. And water temp was 48-53 deg. Great little trip for the weather we had. Thanks for the trip partner & by the way I had been there before!emoTongue I'll text the one Pic. to an Adm. to ad to this report.

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