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Anyone man enough
Might go out tomorrow if the wife lets me for a couple hours. Any one man enough to come with me rain or shine. Probably be for just 3 or 4 hours and sometime in the late moring early aftenoon. Also gonna be somewhere in in cache valley.

Anyone want in let me know. Probably will take the boat but I can only take one other with me if I do. (two others if we want to be cozy, but will need to find one more life jacket cuz I only got two in the boat)

PM me if you want

So did you make it out yesterday? If you did, how did you do?
I did, thanks for asking. Made it to porcupine but the trip was cut short when my buddy fell in. Pretty funny but it did ruin his i-pod touch (which I don't know why he had it on the boat in the first place)

Didn't catch anything but we did only fish 20 minutes...

Well thats too bad, how did he fall in? Did you launch in the back or closer to the front?
We were sitting behind a rock bank waiting for a wind to die down before making another pass around the lake.While waiting he needed to take a leak so he was trying to get out when he lost his balance and fell in all the way... Too Bad but pretty funny...

LMAO, only because i have been the guy doing the falling while trying to "get out". Not good to be caught with that rod in your hand when the water comes up at you fast....LOL.

maybe a more athletic buddy will help you time on the water next go round. sorry to hear he lost his "touch" though. its never fun when innocent electronics sacrifice themselves.
[quote morefishinplz]Might go out tomorrow if the wife lets me for a couple hours. Any one man enough to come with me....[/quote]

Is there something comical about this statement? Just sayin'....
You noticed that too huh? [Wink] I held off on making the comment but I keep checking the thread for someone to do it for me. [sly]

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