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Me and My Buddy (Jordanelle)
I had a fishing partner to day that just would not leave my fish alone...

We past Park City the temps was 37 but at Jordanelle it had warmed up to 41, water was 60 at first light and my fishing partner was already complaining about not catching a fish...And when one was caught she had to give it her once over before I could let it go...

But after it was gone she some times would swim after it just to make sure it was okay...

Most of the bigger bass came from 20' to 30' deep but lots of others in the skinnier water, they wanted it slow and slower...

By the time we headed home I had boated over 20+ bass, but my fishing partner would say she caught them all and I was the one that got skunked...

Biggest bass was just over 14" and only 6 over 12" we was off the water by 12:30...

[inline DSC05587.JPG]
Nice report n pics[cool]
Are those lime green crocs....? First I see you holding a trout, and now this? I guess all things are possible.

Thanks for the report and pictures
Yes green and cold at 41 this morning...

And whats wrong with GREEN????[Wink]
Nothing wrong with lime green crocs, just didn't quite expect to see you wearing them. If that has anything to do with the fishing, I'll go buy a pair tomorrow and head up there.
Bassrods -- your posts are always very detailed and specific. I typically cannot recall the exact details when I get home from a trip (was it 37 degrees with 60 degree water? Or 47 degrees with 58 degree water?). Not only do you remember the exact temps, wind speed, number of clouds in the sky....but you also remember the specific size and number of each and every species of fish you catch.

so, an inquiring mind wants to know: how do you do it?

Do you carry a "clicker", or even multiple clickers? Or, have you downloaded an application on your smartphone to enter in all the details for later analyzation (or, better yet, instant analyzing!). I guess it is possible that you could be doing live updates as you go. Do you have a Twitter account?

Either your memory is better than mine (entirely possible), or you have a better grasp on using today's technology. Either way, I'd like to learn your method.
Have you ever heard of a log BOOK???

They can help you to know what is or may go on on any given day from one year to another, day time temps water levels what lures they hit the same time last year and that gives you a point to start with...
Oh yes it can give you a place to look for the fish hang-outs as well at what time of year it is...

And what food they eat, colors and types of lures that work at what lakes...
With out Green Crocs.....Well yes they are the fishing top secret, but don't tell anyone...
Nice Pics BassRods! Tell your fishing partner hi for me and congrats on the catching!

Shawn M
I would tell her, but she has a big head now and I don't want it to get any bigger..[Wink]
[quote bassrods]Have you ever heard of a log BOOK???


A log book, eh? That's a fantastic idea.

so, do you make entries in the log book while on the water, or after you get done? If you are making entries while on the water, how do you guard against getting the book wet? Do you use a pencil (vs. an ink pen) to keep entries from smearing if it does get wet?

As for the fish count -- I still might have problems keeping an accurate fish count. When you catch a fish, I assume you go straight to your log book and make a simple mark (vs. the acutal #) to keep a running total? Some like this: IIII (vs. "4")?

I'm still learning. Thank you for your insight.
Your welcome you need the insight.....

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