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Lost Brittany Spaniel
I went pheasant hunting last Sunday out on the WMA grounds at Sterling. The first place I stopped at there was a gentleman parked. I asked him if there were any birds. He could hardly answer. As it turns out he was hunting there the day before and his 11 year Brittany and him got seperated in the cattails. He was not able to find him. He has left flyers all around the area describing his dog and giving a phone number. The guys name is Dan Knoll. He had 4B plates. If you happen to find his dog or see it out and about please take the time to get the dog and or call Mr. Knoll. I lost one of my Briitanys last year by a guy running over her while I was tr;ying to get the guy to stop. Please watch for dogs while out hunting. Most of them do not have a clue about the danger of getting run over. I know what Mr. Knoll is going through and hope him the best of luck.

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