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Long Beach Sport Fishing half day boat on monday
I'm going on the Long Beach Sport Fishing half day boat tommorrow at 7:00 with my dad, and was wondering if anyone would care to join us. The cost is $30 for regular or $25 for a senior. One day fishing licenses are about $8 (but I'm sure anyone visiting this site already has one.) The boat leaves at 7:00, but its best to get there 15 to 20 minutes early so you can pick your favorite spot. To get there you go west on pacific coast highway and make a left on Marina Dr.


You're going on the City of Long Beach and their counts for the am trip yesterday were much, much better than most landings. Looked like about 7 fish per rod with sand bass the majority. We'll see about today. They'll have anchovies and maybe some sardines.

Be sure to get there early. (office usually opens one hour before departure) If the 3/4 is running, as they leave earlier, the office may open before 6am. As you have said, the spots on the boat are first come first serve so....... Starbord, stern corner is my favorite.

As a reminder, if you have a gunny sack, bring it along and save a buck or two.

Let us know how you did.

OK the results are in on the CLB AM run. 99 fish for 25 paid anglers. (44 sand bass, 35 sculpin, etc.)

Good luck tomorrow and bring homa a halibut as they got 2 today!


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