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Berry INFO needed..
Do they plow the road in to the lodge boat ramp??

If not has anyone been up there yesterday (tuesday 15 or today) and can you still get to the ramp???

Not sure but I hope so planning to go up on friday will be watching for posts too.
They have plowed the road in the past. Cant help with current conditions.
Yes, they typically do keep the road plowed. But even though it is normaly plowed, it is also normaly snow packed.

I would recomend that you take chains or at least a bucket of salt with you to get up out of the ramp in the morning. But because the ramp faces the sun all day, it is generaly clear by afternoon.

I had plans to do the Berry tomorrow but work changed my plans ... DANG!

We'll be watching for your report Cliff. Hope you get into them like many have lately.
I was up there today....but we went to the Soldier Creek side and we drove the road to the dam. For the most part the road was clear. The areas where it's shady had snow and a little ice. We didn't have a problem.

When we drove by the main road going to the lodge marina it has some snow on it. But don't know how it was all the way in. I did read a post yesterday and can't remember if is was here or on another forum but he was there (I think Monday) and said that when the left the boat ramp was clear. But did have a little snow when the launched. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the help, I think I will just hit the Nell..[Wink] In the morning..

we hit the berry today, the roads are not plowed but they are passable, we launched at renegade just fine, only saw 2 other boats on the lake, fishing was as good as it gets.
there was snow on the ramp but we took our time and didn't spin a tire.
With winds out of the south tomorrow I think I will hit the Nell..

The Berry is no place to be alone in the wind..
you are right, today was the day to hit it, we caught 45 fish between the 2 of us. Fishing was very steady, watched another boat with 3 guys drift by us that looked like they were catching fish also. Water was fairly calm all day. just right for a slow drift. we fished for about 4 hrs today. Temp was 10 d when we launched at about 10:30 and we left at 2:30. Still calm water. Water temp hovered between 39-41 degrees. Hope next week gives us one more trip.
I would like one more trip but this next storm may end it for me, pulling a 20' boat in snow with the chance of getting stuck does not sound fun..

But Powell is still looking good..
[quote KC5]you are right, today was the day to hit it, we caught 45 fish between the 2 of us. Fishing was very steady, watched another boat with 3 guys drift by us that looked like they were catching fish also. Water was fairly calm all day. just right for a slow drift. we fished for about 4 hrs today. Temp was 10 d when we launched at about 10:30 and we left at 2:30. Still calm water. Water temp hovered between 39-41 degrees. Hope next week gives us one more trip.[/quote]

To funny. that was us that drifted by you guys. We launched at 8:30 am and the air temp was 3 deg. We got off the water at 4 pm and the temp was 26 deg. The fishing was fast an furious. We had stretches were we litterly could not keep up with the two pole permits we each were using. Numerous triple and double hook ups. We ended the day with a boat total of 85. It was unreal. This was the best strawberry trip I have ever had.

Like what has been said already the road was snow packed but passable, and the ramp was not to bad it was snow covered but not ice it was not a problem to launch the alum. boat but if this storm that is coming puts much more down than I don't know how much more access from renegade there will be. If you do go up the light colored tube jigs tipped with minnow was the ticket. We did pick up a few on pointer minnows but only a few.

The big fish of the day was a 5 lb - 20 inch cutt that had a 10 inch fishes tail sticking out of its throat. I can not wait to go again.

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