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Help me out with this vintage reel.
Hello everyone!

I'm hoping you guys can help me out with this vintage reel I found.

I recently lost my Grandfather. He was a man who'd done a great many things and accomplished much in the 96 years he had on this planet. Thing is, fishing didn't seem to be one of those things. Low and behold when we were cleaning out his house I stumbled upon this old reel still in the box and with a sales manual with it to boot! I'd never seen it before and nobody could remember him ever going fishing.

I don't fish and neither does anyone else in our family. I was hoping someone could tell me something about this reel and maybe an approximate value. Not expecting much but it would be nice to get this into the hands of someone would want such a thing.


[Image: IMG_20111229_135056.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20111229_135110.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20111229_135124.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20111229_135148.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20111229_135140.jpg]

Gear Ratio: Line: Capacity: Weight:
2.5:1 30 lb. 275 yds. 19.5 oz
First Year Manf.: Before 1941 Discontinued by Penn: 2001

There are a bunch on e-bay for $15. up to $59. I would just hand on to it and put it on a nice shelf with maybe a wooden net or a Creel. It is mint condition.
Thanks for the info!

Like I said, I'm not into fishing or fishing related things and I don't hang on to anything I'm not going to use, the less clutter in my life the better. This reel has no sentimental value to me either so I guess it's next stop is ebay as my grandfather didn't fish. I'm betting this was a present from one of his old ames buddies, maybe used once and then packed into the back of his closet to be forgotten.

Thanks again!

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