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Vegas Wash Friday 30 Dec 2011
Heading out there shortly to see how badly the girl beats me this time. Will be launching out of Boulder Harbor.

If you see us out there don't be shy [Smile]
WOW, that place has changed. Haven't been out there since Monday the 19th and it is a entirely different game. Shad are EXTREMELY hard to come by and the creek back there is more like a river. I didn't even recognize the place since the water has come up so much since I was out there last. We went looking for shad WAY up that sucker and nada. I spend hours and hours tossing the net for maybe 20 shad and they were little ones. Most if not all of the boats in there tossing the net were getting nada also. I planned on fishing well before sunrise since we were on the water at 5:30 and it ended up being nearly a hour after sunrise before I headed out with the few shad I had. Stripers are also thinning out fast. Not sure where they moved. There was plenty still there just not like it was. Betting that was more likely to the smaller shad I had and I wasn't putting on fresh ones left and right. We caught maybe 10 Stripers today. One way out in 170 foot water and another on a crank when we gave up and went looking some large mouths. The rest were in the normal spots back in the Vegas wash area. We ended up bringing two home for dinner and turned the rest loose. The one I caught at 170 feet was a blimp by the time I brought him all the way up so he went into the well.
Sounds like the live bait party may be coming to an end. It always does. A friend of mine went out last Thursday and had the same experience. Thanks for the report.
Hope you saved some shad when it was available.

Maybe try netting later in the day when the water warms up a little.

Try fishing the deep areas just south of crawdad & boxcar, near the main channel. Maybe even out towards the main lake (east arm of the Vegas wash) in 150+ foot range. The fish will be hugging the bottom.

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