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LADY is gone. Some guy KEPT a Lunker bass.....
I went to one of my favorite ponds near my apartment yesterday to try to catch LADY. A bass we named since she has broken many of our lines over the last 10 years and only a few have even got her near the bank before she jumped and would get free. No one has landed her. The name LADY is because this pond is right behind a church here in Marked Tree. The name was taken from Saturday Night Lives "the church lady" skit.

Well I was fishing the pond yesterday trying to get her to strike on a large white spinner bait that I have hooked her with three times over the last 10 years. Each time she broke my line and I usually have at least 10lb test sufix siege.

A guy showed up on his four-wheeler (I've seen him there only a couple of times over the years) and he ask if I was catching any then he said, excitedly that he had caught an 11 pound Large Mouth here last week. It had to be LADY. I don't know the guy other than occasionally seeing him at a pond or the spillway fishing and say hi casually.

I said to him, "You released her right?" and he replied, "Hell no you kidding? I took that fish home and we had a good dinner."

My Heart dropped. I literally had to sit down. I ask him this, "You really kept that Lunker bass and didn't release it? You realize this pond is small and it was probably the largest bass in here and we needed it here to spawn."

He replied, "All I ever catch out of here is two or three pound largemouth and some good crappie, you don't think I would put a huge fish like that back do you?"

I packed up my gear and left with the sickest feeling I've had in years deep down in my stomach. I looked back at the Church pond as I was driving away and it just didn't even look the same. A LUNKER bass that survived against huge odds to become the dominant fish in that pond and had no predators above it was gone. Well only one predator, a human, took it's life and forever changed a pond and most of the excitement of fishing it. The chance to catch LADY.

I have taken home bass from time to time but only in the 3-4lb range and usually only one or two a year for table fare. I would never take a LUNKER that a whole town has named because she had continually beat us all when we hooked her.

I feel like I lost an old friend hearing that guy tell me he took LADY home and cooked her like a bream or crappie for dinner.

I don't know how to end this story other than to ask each of you to never take a prize catch like that out of a pond or lake. They have survived against huge odds to reach that age and size and deserve to spend the rest of their days swimming those waters that they rule.
Here's a pic I took of the pond about two weeks ago. It will never hold the same excitement now knowing that LADY is gone. I just hope he caught the wrong bass and she is still there. 11lb usually don't break 10lb sufix siege line but every time I hooked her she was a beast. Super runs would strip off 20-30 feet of line sometimes before she jumped free or broke a line with a quick dash.

Here is the pond. You can walk around it in less than 10 minutes. Very small and I doubt there was more than one 10lb + Largemouth in it. Pretty sure lady is gone.


[inline SunsetChurch2012JAN.JPG]
Seeing as Lady was a local legend, this guys name will be mud. I would think that another fish will fill that slot or maybe there were two. I know what you mean by it taking out the thrill of the hunt, but still give it a try and wait for the next lunker.
I don't know,all I can say is sorry, and what if..What if he had given you his word about not taking her if he ever caught her and lied.I'm sure you felt like warning him years ago about your girl?It sounds like something you could of mentioned,but then again maybe it was better not to bring her up?I'm sorry. I One time was trying to catch an 8lb bass I saw,showed a buddy from my boat,then the next day he caught it from shoar. He let her go and I saw her the next day but she had moved on.
Ugh. You must be bummmmed. NEVER EAT BASS!!!! There should be a law that you must release a bass. Get the measurements for the taxidermey if u catch that 10 pounder you always wanted and let it go! Think about what if a tiger or a lion or an alligator came and fished for you and you wanted to swim another day! What a BUMMMM! You see him again give him a nice upper cut for me will ya. THX
A lot of the Bass fishermen here in our county that knew about that bass are saying he is a known for lying. One of his wife's friends that work with her ask if they had a big fish dinner with a huge fish and she repied, " what big fish"?

We think he just was spinning a tale. Hell from what I have found out he don't even know she is in there. Only a few of us know that big hawg is in there.

I think he was buzzed on beer or something else when he said that to me.

I hope so.

The church lady isn't going to break the state record like the Valley Girl might but she is huge .. 8lb to 12lb at least.

I don't think he caught here from the whispers going around. I think he was just drunk or high and talking fish story.

I am well known in our county for catching a lot of bass. If I had more money I could probably join some clubs here and get in B.A.S.S. and win a lot.

My dad taught me to fish back from 1968 to 1980. I graduated from high school in 1980.

My dad was in the Classic 5 times.

Got second place once.

So I know how to fish.

She is still there. One of us that know just have to hook her again.
Notice I didn't even mention AMY ..... she IS the state record...

But Valley girl might get it too.

But AMY IS THE RECORD. we all know it here in poinsett county.

I don't talk about AMY much. Best kept secret in the whole state.

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