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Fort Lauderdale Fishing Charter
Here in Fort Lauderdale FL variable winds out of the east 2-5 mph, indigo blue waters into 60 ft. of water and little to no current - temperatures in the low 80’s. Joe Sforza and kids from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania chartered the Happy Day Today with the Topshotfishing team to do some deep sea fishing off of Fort Lauderdale FL. Mrs. Sforza decided to spend her time at the Galleria Mall while the rest of the family went fishing.

As our mate, Jackson, untied the lines, I was thinking of which artificial wreck I would head towards today. When there is little or no current, fishing over artificial wrecks or structures will increase your chance of catching more fish. As we cleared the jetties I headed out towards one of the 34 artificial wrecks that sits in 160 ft. of water to the south of Port Everglades, Fort Lauderdale FL. We had one plainer rod down with a pink sea witch in front of a double hook Bonito strip. For surface baits I went with one ¼ ounce yellow jap feather, two Ballyhoos, two Bonito strips and a Ballyhoo teaser.

Our first two fish was a double hook up – a 9 lb. Mahi Mahi caught by Joe’s son, Robert, and an 11 lb. Mahi Mahi caught by Joe’s daughter, Rebecca. We left this area and headed towards another artificial wreck where Joe, who was the next angler, caught another Mahi Mahi. We kept catching a few more Mahi Mahi’s along the way. I then headed towards a deeper wreck that sits in 350 ft. of water. As I trolled over the wreck, the plainer rod bent over, rod tip bouncing up and down, line exiting the reel at a fast speed – this was a good indication that a Wahoo was at the end of the line. Rachel was the angler on this fish; she took her time and did an excellent job reeling the Wahoo in by not giving the fish any slack. Jackson, our mate, leaned over the side to gaff the fish and put it in the boat.

With a good catch of fish and Smiles on everyone’s face, we headed back. This ends another successful and adventurous deep sea fishing charter on the Happy Day Today with the Topshotfishing team and Captain Zsak - 954-439-8106 –

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