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Am I being unreasonable?
I make my own hand tied lures, and rabbit is one of my favorite materials. I managed to get some rex rabbit pelts at a good price and decided to sell some of the extras on one of the other fishing boards I'm on.

Tanned whole hides for this breed usually cost anywhere from $30 to $45 each, and individual 1/8" x 12" ready to use strips cost $1.75 each. I decided to sell my hides for $25 shipped but also offered to take trades. Each hide can make approximately 48 strips, so there's about $80 of strips in each pelt.

A teenager on the board messaged me saying he had 1000 jig heads a friend's relative had given him for free and asked if I wanted to trade jig heads for a pelt. I can get jig heads for about $8 per 100, so I told him I would trade 400 for a hide, figuring he may want to negotiate. He said that was too many, so I explained the cost of the pelts. I know kids don't always have ready access to more heads, so I decided to do a pay it forward good deed and offer him half of a hide for 50 heads, which is less than I had in the hide.

Now he wants me to strip the hide for him too, even after I pointed him in the direction of instructions on how to do it. All it takes is some razor blades, a couple of nuts and bolts and some washers. Even if you don't have the stuff on hand, it costs maybe $5 from the hardware store. It's not expensive or difficult, just time consuming (which is why I'm selling them whole.)

I'm already offering him half of a very expensive hide for basically nothing, and now it feels like he's looking my gift horse in the mouth. I'm about this >< close to telling him to forget it.
I don't know enough about the product to really have an opinion, but remember you are dealing with a teenager. As a person who deals with teenagers on a daily basis you have to remember that most of them do not apprecieate the true value of anything offered to them. So I guess it depends on how bad you want the jigs or how bad you want to help him out. I wouldn't strip the hide for him.

I agree with Windriver about it all. I wouldn't mind a hide myself and would pick it up if I am close.
I don't really need heads at the moment. I told him I wasn't going to strip the hide and he could take it or leave it.

All the hides I have right now are spoken for, but I should be getting more in a few weeks if you are still interested. Just so you know, they are dyed black. I am in Boise.
[quote StacyR]I don't really need heads at the moment. I told him I wasn't going to strip the hide and he could take it or leave it.

All the hides I have right now are spoken for, but I should be getting more in a few weeks if you are still interested. Just so you know, they are dyed black. I am in Boise.[/quote]
I'm with you. I'd say either take my offer, because I have other's willing to pay my price, or leave it. Got to learn the ways of the world.

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