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This happen to anyone else??
I was fishing a texas rigged senko. i feel a bite and i reeled it in. It was a LMB but it was like 9-10 inches...the worm is 5 in? they eat stuff that big at that size?
Yes, I've caught 8" bass on 6" lures. They can be very aggressive.
Made me chuckle a bit i was like, "uhh how?" guess they can eat stuff almost as big as them.
Hey buddy,yea sure,especially with worms.The last time this happened was with a 16" worm I made by glueing some old worms together,worm was longer than the bass,bass was about two pounds.We see them here with snakes longer than the bass,we pulled this snake out its mouth one time,its tail was still sticking out,snake was longer than the bass.LOL the bass still took a plastic worm,even with its belly full of snake?
Spencer,today I used a 16" worm I glued together out of three worms to simulate a watersnake.Caught 2 bass smalles than the worm lol.One I thought spit my worm but had swallowed it.I pinch the barb this way the barb wont tear the stomach.

When I got the hook out,the worm was still attached.P.S.I wonder if bass can pass the worm,o does it just sit in their stomach until they get hooked one day and maybe jump and spit it then.I seen bass spit a worm that wasen't even mine and looked like the worm was in the stomach for some time... Spencer,we caught bass here with a freshly caught snake still hanging out the bass mouth.[cool]
About the bass being able to pass a worm, i brought in a bass to find 2 worms in its mouth, one was mine that i was using, the other was one i didnt recognize but i was discolored and about to fall apart.
Spencer,in time you will see more going on in nature,baby ducks getting eaten,frogs and snakes too. I haven't tried the baby duck,I thought of trolling a rubber ducky at the glades! rigged up somehow? but thats crazy talk,almost as crazy as this worm I used last trip,this worm I'm using is nearly 22" log lol

Paulypro...I tried to make a vid for you but I failed,caught one on camera but it I was off frame.[frown]

This is the one I got to see the worm,looks like a real snake when you twich it.Spenc,just like my frog,this is a must try!.Those are two trade secrets revealed.....I faced alot of criticism from my worm but I always prevailed in the end.I'm going for that lunker that got away in my frog video,[#bf0000]did you see that monster I missed! [url ""][/url]

Here buddy, another secret let out of the bag .

I know you like frogs ok,we got that covered but I think this is better.I can't wait to hook a big fish...I know I'm going to get one ...its a matter of time now...I can feel it.

Paulpro will prevail...

This is the cheapest snake immitation.I use 10 cent floating worms,put three together and there you go buddy home made snake.."Pauly's Pro Bass snake".I'm fishing this alot now,its my favorite....I'll make an example of a "how to",so you can see how to put them together. Paulpro! ..Enjoy the video

[Image: default.jpg?v=4fc581d5][#0066cc]0:51[/#0066cc]
[url ""]Pauly's snake for bass[/url]
Here is one you may enjoy..Paulpro!

[Image: default.jpg?v=4fc5a3e3][#0066cc]0:53[/#0066cc]
[url ""]Part 1 Line Fail. Alfred in.."You don't need …[/url]

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