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Mead 8 Dec 2012
Thought the weather was going to be sketch this weekend and then a little after 10pm Friday night I caught the news/weather... Suppose to be nice Saturday so the decision was made. 5 hours of sleep and on the road. The weather was indeed very nice Saturday. A slight chop in the AM but that was it. The lake for the most part was glass all day.

Crazy being December and still good Bass fishing. We got into 2 spots I knew they have been in from previous trips and caught over 30 before 11am. Nothing big at all but all fun. Quite a few initially on Spinnerbaits, then the majority on Texas rigged worms. I also caught a handfull on grubs. Tougher to fish since I use open hooks on grubs so had to be carefull were I casted. Very productive plastic when one isn't hung up. All the Grub fish were on WAVE Baits grubs. I finally got around to ordering some plastics from them last week and got everything in. I did get some drop shot worms and flukes from them too but never used them. In the stockpile for another day. Great prices/quality plastics. They work great.

Anyways, messed around the rest of the day and topped out a little over 40 fish total. 1 SMB and 1 Striper. The rest LMB. Was fun where we were at in the AM but that is also where everyone else was at. Messed around here and there the rest of the day only catching a few here and a few there. Madi just about lost a rod near the end of the day. After all of those smaller LMB and working worms she had out her med diver spinning rod and we were on the hunt for Smallies off some drop offs/deeper water. And one hit. Hit like a freight train. lol She jumped pretty good when he hit. Caught her off guard and spooked her. Fun fish for sure. Sure wish we could of got into more. Typically smallies hang out in groups and same size groups but that was the only one. Also the big fish of he day. I got her in quantity but she got the biggest of the day. Nice Smallie. Thick and full of muscle. Quite the fun battle for her. Good way of ending the day.

[Image: LakeMead_12-08-12_001.jpg]

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