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Just waiting for spring..
Been a while since I have posted on this board, but yea. I haven't dont any fishing besides casting a lead weight at a bucket all winter. No where close to where i live to really get into a good spot to fish during the winter without a boat. Anyone else eagerly awaiting spring time?
OOHH Ya. First the 2ft of snow has to come off the boat. Ice off the water would help. I think the ground hog lied. [Wink]
Yep, Big Time Cabin fever. Need to see some warm sun!!
Haha. I'm from Indiana and we got hit by some ice storm. There was one day that it was in the 60s and the ice was off a pond by my house, i was planning on going the next day cause I worked, but overnight it froze again. Gotta love Indiana weather.
It could be worse. It is currently -6 on the Utah/Idaho border, and we've only had a small handfull of days where it's even gotten above freezing since Christmas. I'm getting very antsy. Probably another two months before I can go bass fishing [frown]
Welcome back Edgy! Long time no see. I'm ready for Spring this year too, it's been a long cold winter...
Northwestern Pennsylvania has been horrible this year for snow, then ice, then rain, then snow again. I'm ready to fish!
Can't wait to start bass fishing! This is a cool site. .

Have a GOOD DAY!
[quote bytebull]Welcome back Edgy! Long time no see. I'm ready for Spring this year too, it's been a long cold winter...[/quote]

yea i've been busy with school, getting signed up for the army, and work. Haven't been doing much beside that. It was warm enough to fish one day, about 60 something outside. Caught one small one, then it snowed the next day
I'll be headng out on Good Friday. MAYBE I'll get one fish. [Wink]
Good Friday is the first day we head out and yesterday was no exception. Air and water temp. were 40 degrees. Worked jerk baits mostly and some jigs and worms, but only a perch came to visit. Here we go in 2013!!!
Went out last Monday with the fishing club at my school and landed 4 Large mouths. Season seems to have started for me.
You guys will never understand how Florida 60 degree weather compares to the 60's up north!
Just doesn't compare,it feels much colder than there,my Jersey buddy had to bust out with his Jersey Devils winter coat one year,saw him still shivering but he'd try not to complain,every now and then saying,"man its pretty cold".
Also said he never felt dat cold in Jersey.

Come down here in the winter and you'll feel colder than you ever been,its something about the sea breeze and the humidity in the air,feels like your getting misted by light rain and along with heavy wind,its BRUTAL!
Sometimes the wild life even dies from our Harsh winters including the Manatees.
move to Florida[Image: happy.gif] The sunshine state,so [#FFBF80]sunny[/#FFBF80] you gots to wear shades[cool]
I have to agree with you Paulpro. In the 50's and even 60's can be cold with the wind and humidity down there. I've been in the Glades when it dropped into the 30's a couple times - shivered in my winter jacket. But come on how many days a year does it not at least hit 65 in south Florida?

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