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Mead 4-10-13
One of my brother in laws is in town from California with the sole intention to be fishing. He took the week off and so did I. He has tons of bigger fish available to him on the Delta but really no Smallies. So that was the sole goal other than just having fun! Fish or no fish, fishing is still better than work [Wink]

Tuesday it certainly was too windy so BPS, Sportsmans Warehouse, Wild Bills Buffalo Wings, etc. We shopped and ate well!

Yesterday, Wednesday, you guess it... WINDY. We were still going no matter what. Dealt with the wind and hit spots that were semi protected. Still got blowed all over the place and really had to work hard on the trolling motor but we got to fish so all that mattered. Around 2-3pm the winds died down to almost zero to make the last several hours much more enjoyable.

The water is trashed though. You can't see 2-3 feet in it which really blowed since the chance to fish on clear pristie water was a big one on his checklist. Hopefully between taking today off and the winds backing off the water cleans up for Friday.

Anyways... Interesting catches. Quite a few firsts and stuff that in general just never happen. Like catching catfish on cranks and senkos or catching a 3-5lb Gizzard on a lipless crank, etc. Plus Chad caught his first Smallie and then the second Smallie was a big'un, at least for Mead, to top off the day. We landed 20 for the day and had to work reallllly hard for them more or less junk fishing. Lots of LMB and SMB plus those oddities.

A couple pictures. Didn't take too many.

Chad's first Smallie. Texas rigged something.

[Image: LakeMead_04-10-13_001.jpg]

His big Smallie (3 1/2 pounder). Texas rigged something.
Plus a short clip : [url ""][/url]

[Image: LakeMead_04-10-13_003.jpg]

This one... Quite the ride. I had my 3XD crank up to the boat, I was at the point of just stopping to reel to lift it out of the water to make another cast and this thing hit. It hit like a FREIGHT train. I was using my MH casting rod so I had plenty of rod but man do those things hit. Plus it was just dead straight under the boat when he hit so my rod just about doubled over. Line was peeling out, I was up against the edge of the boat with the rod in the water since he went straight down/under the boat. What a wild ride for a bit. Then the winds, trying to keep the boat in control, etc. Anyways, just shy of 6 pounds. Biggest cat I have ever caught or seen in person. Scary... Not the first I have caught on a crank. The second.

Chad later on caught a 4 pound Catfish on a motoroil colored Yama Senko. A first for him and the biggest Cat he has ever caught. We both thought for sure he had a Big'un on, in the LMB flavor, but nope...

[Image: LakeMead_04-10-13_006.jpg]

Then this thing... We were right off the old Overton ramp. For some reason I had grabbed one of Madi's spinning rods and was tossing the 1/4oz lipless that was on it. Not sure if I had ran it into a school of them or what. I can't imagine that thing wanting a crank that is for sure. Heck it's mouth is so small I couldn't put a finger tip in it. Anyways I snagged this big sucker just behind the gills in the side. Right after the hook set we both seen this thing jump at least 3 feet out of the water. What a launch! The fight was partially due to the size plus it was hooked semi in the side so that fish had some advantage. Finally got it to the boat and released. Man those suckers stink! I was all over the soap in the boat to get that stink off me.

[Image: LakeMead_04-10-13_007.jpg]

The plan was to go again today but we were both too sore and dead tired to do it so taking today off to recover. Going to get the boat all re-organized today and hit it with everything we have tomorrow plus Madi is going to be sick tomorrow and might be able to go fishing with her conditions with her uncle [blush]
Looks like an interesting day on the water!
do you have to be at the rocky edges to use the senko?
Not at all. Actually that would be more or less the least likely spot I would be throwing a Senko. At least I how I fish. I do use plastics on the rocky edges but that is typically a drop shot set-up for Smallies. Senkos I am further back in the coves/anywhere there is cover working them for the Large Mouths.
Too lazy to start another post... Hit the lake again on Friday 4-12-13 and nailed them pretty good. Some wind and the water is still murky here and there but clean water can be found and by mid afternoon we finally got zero wind weather and really got on 'em. Caught well over 40 SMB and LMB with a few accidental Stripers. Lots of Smallies on beds were found and I was finally able to get my brother in law on them. Totally different world for him to be able to see more than a few feet in the water and have to fish in water deeper than 5-10 feet. My rods with fluorocarbon was his main enemy... lol He is use to 30lb braid or better which he has on all of his rods for fishing the delta river system in California. He finally got to see what all the fuss I was always telling him about when using ML rods, etc to catch Smallies. He had a HOOT. Sure wish we could of had weather like that on Wednesday but how it goes. Got a good day in yesterday!

One oddity and first on Friday... Chad, somehow, ended up catching a Striper on a Senko. Neither of us had seen or heard of that before.

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