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The Stink
Ice Fishing Tip #8<br><br>Stink or not to stink, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the heart to leave the cap off the bottle when your fishing buddies fishing stories start smelling up the joint and you cant get a word in edge wise. <br><br>In many cases stinks, will enhance the ability of hungry fish to detect food by the taste it leaves in the water, it won’t however make them bite no mater what the claim. Before you use a stink you should consider this. Many have been banned because of contaminants in the mixture (pollutants) that will kill aquatic life.<br><br>Stinks made of natural materials are the best. Make sure that the stinks you use are biodegradable; some have been found to contain petroleum by-products and have been banned (check your bottles, any thing made before 1985 should be thrown out) The newer stinks on the markets are regulated as for such…<br><br>You can make your own stinks, but watch out for flying rolling pins in the kitchen as the honey wont appreciate the fragrant aroma that is given of, filling the house with the alluring smell of fish by-products and cooking oils, (peanut or corn possibly olive). <br><br>Using a small portion of the days catch (innards) in a saucepan,1/2 cup oil, throw in a half dozen dead minced minnows (or ½ cup minced fish entrails) three or four drops essence of pole kitty (if you cant catch a pole kitty then you may sub with skunk cabbage – easily found in the winter in swampy areas it is one of a few things growing) oils from these help to retain the aroma. Cook on a low heat (do not fry) let cool then strain (use a fine strainer or coffee filter) Find a good container to pour in. make sure it is watertight.<br><br>Squirt a little on your bait or make some power baits and enjoy.<br><br><B>Word of caution, while this product will help in ridding unwanted guest in the house it will however be mistaken for a food supplement by folks from the Bayou area. </B><br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown

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