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Letter to the Governor, Willard Bay inlet
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]Different perspectives. One side makes wild guesses...[/#0000ff][#0000ff][/quote]

[size 3][#000000]One side makes wild guesses -- and you're claiming that it's the biologists making the wild guesses?? You sure it ain't the fishermen making those wild guesses? Isn't that what anglers are known for![/#000000][/size]

[/#0000ff][#0000ff][quote TubeDude]The other... years of experience and developed knowledge.

And you think this is the anglers, and no the biologists?!

What's wrong with all of this? is this backwards day? Is my fly on the wrong side again?

Dude -- You can't be serious with that comment, can you? You keep talking about the biologists and how they haphazardly toss nets in on some arbitrary day of the year....They net the same areas year, after year, after year at the same time each year. This provides the biologists with historical numbers -- this is not wild guesses. This good data. They can see fluctuations in population numbers. How is this "wild guesses"??

Please tell me your comments are in jest.

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Re: [TubeDude] Letter to the Governor, Willard Bay inlet - by PBH - 11-19-2013, 11:11 PM

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