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Be careful out there!
So we hit DC this morning with good friend Kevin. We had to work hard for the bite. But, around noon the wind kicked up BAD! and fast. I was getting drenched working my way back in to shore. I couldn't tell where Kevin was, and Mojorizing was in site working the oars, fins and motor all at once. I noticed a canoe off in the weeds as I was coming in, it was a rocking but they stayed anchored.
I got in to shore followed by Kevin. Mojo got on the walkie and was yelling something about 911. Kevin and I both thought he was referring to the beating trying to come in.
I then noticed him going towards the weeds and again he yelled 911! I noticed the tip of the canoe poking out of the water then realized what had happened.
I called 911 and the officials were fantastic and fast, but in the mean time Mojo got to the canoe and rescued a small boy that was cold, scared and exhausted. Kevin unloaded his gear and headed back out to rescue the boy's Dad. Dad was wrapped in an anchor rope so it got hairy for a short time. Mojo pulled in with the small boy and I quickly wrapped him in a blanket we happen to have in the truck. Kevin Anderson got the dad to safety. An Ambulance showed up and all was well. Boat patrol pulled the canoe to shore. What a day and I am proud of my two heros!
So glad you were there to help. You probably saved 2 lives.
Nice work on everybody's part. Just out of curiosity, were the canoeists wearing life jackets? Those don't prevent hypothermia, but sounds like they may have helped keep them afloat until the rescues were made.
They did. The cheap orange around the neck, but hey they worked.
To top it off, the rescue was made on two Predators. A smaller pontoon. The little boy sat on Mojo's lap then I waded out to waist deep and grabbed him so Mojo could get his motor up. I wrapped the boy up and about 5 minutes later the rescue team took over.
Kevin on the other hand had a full grown man with rope wrapped around him. I thought Kevin went in but, he kept upright and together they got the rope free. He then drug him in on the side of his boat.
I wanted to add, how quickly this all happened. Mojorizing was coming in when he heard them yell for help then noticed the boat was sinking. The shore line had people fishing and children playing. No one else heard this. Kevin and I had to look past the trees on shore to see what was going on.
It happened very fast, and taken care of as quick as could.
I had no idea what to do, I called 911 and they asked the emergency. I shouted, a boat with two people just capsized in Charleston bay Deer Creek, the gal on the other end calmly handled my freaking out! Sigh.....all better now.
Fantastic work you guys! You probably kept someone from making the 10PM news. DC can be kind of scary for a canoe. Thank goodness they had life vests on.
your awesome so many people will just ignore things like that, rationalizing that who ever it is probably could help them selves when in fact they are in real trouble. a couple of years ago I rescued a jet skier that could get back on his boat and was exhausted do to the cold water.
Well done all of you. I rescued four people in Strawberry a few years ago. It is a good feeling.
Very nice!
Fantastic job Joni and Alan. Proud to see your great efforts!
Great job you two! amazing story.
Yay for the heroes.
+1 to all the previous comments. Glad they had l-jackets and were wearing them.
Mazing how fast things can turn. We all gotta look out for one another. So easy to get tangled up in trouble. There's a reason the have a list of safety gear for boaters. Doesn't take a coast guard cruiser to make a rescue.

I towed a 16 foot ski boat to the Newton launch once, with my little 10 horse. Motor had conked, and they were blown jnto the trees, paddling with a ski. I turned back to ask if they needed help - emphatic YES!
Said they been stuck for two hours trying.

On another note, once at Hyrum some boat had a family, and I think their kid kept tooting their horn, and laughing. They were anchored, just hanging out, but it was getting dark and the lake was emptying. I had a right mind to go tell them off, though expected a language barrier, and lack of a positive respond, so withheld.
But bring a horn or whistle but DON'T use it unless youmean it!
Shoulda called 911, maybe the fine for a false report might have taught a lesson.

Stay safe my friends, watch each others backs.
Good thing you helped out that could have been worse. One time at pineview there was a boat that had just launched and when they were just starting their motor on a 14 ft aluminum boat and it was in full throttle and it almost went over a dock and it almost sank but we bailed water out.
Exhibit A of why I did a Pedal pontoon project instead of a going with a Pedal Kayak.

I've been on open water in a Canoe when the wind kicked up. It's a LONG walk back to camp... assuming you're smart enough to say near the shore.

I was also up at Deer Creek Saturday but on the boat.

We had a very good day. 37 between three anglers from 6:30AM to 10:30AM.

Most ours came in on black crystal buggers.
I do want to say, the Kevin that Joni's talking about is "kanderson" on BFT, so give the man an ovation. He had the tough job of getting the guys leg untangled from the anchor rope. I know it didn't cross her mind to explain who he was. Bro, you kicked ass!

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