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What can we be doing wrong?
I posted this in the beginner forum but someone suggested I try to post in here.

My husband and I are fairly new to fishing. We used to fish off our boat every now and then when we had it docked in our back yard. Not really "into" it, just for fun. Now we have it moored about 45 min from our house, but we are now fishing every weekend from a bridge not far from our house and are getting more into it.

For some reason, we are using the same bait, and tackle as everyone else at the bridge and we are the only ones not catching. What can we be doing wrong? We are using clam bellies as bait, and someone there suggested we use a "snapper hammer" so we got some of them too. Still the only ones not catching anything. They are catching skipjacks and baby bluefish. Any tips on how we can "change" that? What can we be doing wrong?

We are fishing saltwater and I attached a pic of the snapper hammer we are using.

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