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DualFin Planer Boards
My son is a stay at home dad and trying to get by making DualFin Planers when he has time but sales are slow and Christmas is coming soon. I invented them but he makes them and we together decided to lower the price to see if we can get the business going. DualFins can come in very handy for river fishing or trolling. They are only 6" long and only weigh 1 ounce. You can put them on and take them off at any time. They plane to the side and flip direction when given a tug. It only takes a little practice to learn how to steer them where you want.

Two DualFin Planers for $22.95 at [url ""][/url]

[Image: 2DualFins_zps0e66f0ee.jpg]
How fast are you trolling with the DualFin? I troll up to 3.5 mph, can they handle speeds that fast?
1.5 mph trolling speed is as fast as you want to go with them but if you flip direction they speed up to around 3.5 as they move sideways.

Watch the video
So you are saying they will go 3.5 in one direction but only 1.5 in the other direction?
I looked at the two videos when you first posted the link. I noticed you were pulling live bait, how does it do while pulling deep diving lures or small lures?
I pull large diving lures the fastest maybe close to 2 mph because they pull down more keeping it from rolling. The deeper diving the better.

Yes when you flip direction they also change speed accelerating toward the wake and then slowing as they come up on the other side. I have proven flipping direction gets fish to hit if they are following many times.

I troll with 4 of them and flip them so they run towards the wake and then flip them again to go back where they started. I'll get many hits just after I flip them.

[Image: TrollingwithDualFins_zps722c7904.jpg]
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Hey WiperHunter

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