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And I thought last year was bad. looks like this year is starting out bad too.
I just got a call from my buddy that I ice fish most of the time with. we keep most of our stuff in his shed. he just went out to it and all his shed was empty all was taken his snow blower lawn mover our snow shack ice drill poles buckets lures all gone. luck for me I still have to ice poles here at my house . but now I have to go and buy a new auger poles,shack,and lure,ect. to go next week for the party. what a bummer

I'n not to mad we did want a bigger shack, new auger,poles,well just all new stuff I just wasn't planing on doing it this week.

well I hope that who ever took all the stuff will use it at least then I can think that they needed it more them me

what bad luck I've been having lattly. but at least I've still had good luck fishing and hunting that makes up for it. sorry about ranting a bit I just was feeling a bit bad. but funny thing I'm not mad this time. go figure
What is going on in Salt Lake now days. My cousin had the same thing happen in West Valley with a lawn care business. They lost everything but the good thing about it was the insurance company paid for everything.

Atleast you got a good spirit about it.
thanks for your support. and yes I do good spirit about it. there isn't anything I can do now to stop it, because I haven't found the right way to turn back time yet, so I can meet those guys at the shed with a ball bat in hand. so like the old saying says dont cry over spilled milk.
I'm just looking at it as I now know what not to do.
hi norm keep your sprits up get the bad @#$% out of the way early and it can only get better from here out
A few years ago some @#%@% came into our elk hunting camp and stole my buddy's beer cooler. We were major bummed (not to mention thirsty.)

So, for Xmas that year I got him a new cooler and wrote on in permanent marker:

[font "Tubular"][blue][size 3]Stolen from <his name>. [/size][/blue][/font]

Figured that way if some lowlife took it, they would at least be reminded of how they procured it.
Talk about a bum deal! I just don't understand people sometimes....leave a man his fishin stuff! Glad you still will be able to get out and fish though. Been lookin forward to some musky fishin' with you this spring. Good luck on your next trip out.
thanks killerbee,putteringalong, and aquaman.

thanks for the support. I love the idea for putting the lable on stuff.

like I said that guy must need the fishing stuff more then I do. and as most of you all know I'm willing to help out anyone.(but it would be nice if they asked first) I can still fish so I not real mad.

Also this year I'm going to try and let things get to me, so I dont get mad as much at myself and others. so nowone feel Sad for me because I dont feel Sad for myself. [size 5]because I'm nice,i'm cool, good looking, and gosh darn it people like me.[/size][size 2] sorry stole that bit from sat night live.[/size]

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