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Bonneville Whitefish
I try to pass forward what I can and when I can. I have always have had that mindset. Sad to hear that there are those who find it necessary to get but not give.
Very well done Pat, I chased after the white fish a few times thru the ice in January. A tasty fish they are.
[#0000FF]Thanks Chuck.

Did you get your house sold and have you gotten settled in over there yet?
[quote TubeDude]

[#0000ff] Are you going to get up there again this year?[/#0000ff]

I certainly hope to make it up there at least once.

cant wait!!!!
That will be a journal for the ages to help those looking for a fun winter attempt... It can be a tough trip to make weather cooperate on the days you attempt, but when the stars align it can be a fun trip.... Don't know if we wanted to mention the possibility of a whitefish flotilla or not, but some talk has been circulating about a tube/toon assault on the whities on a hopefully prime time day with great weather we hope... It will likely be a short notice trip, since we need to make sure the run is going and the wind won't blow us off the lake... Some talk of Dec. 5th if all things are in place, but that will be subject to change.... Thanks again Pat for the great information.... J
[#0000FF]Yes. I plan to join BLFG on the 30'th...or the 1st...or check out the fish activity and locations. Based on what we find...and the weather might work out well for the 5th. The only potential problem...being a that there will be a whole lotta anxious boaters banging off our tubes and toons. But I can do Saturdays for special occasions.

Kay, Sarah, Sarah.

Hey Pat, yep, sold my utah house and bought a co. house in loveland, I'm about 3 minutes away from horse shoe res. and about 5 minutes away from boyd lake, and about 15 minutes away from horse tooth res. I can see horse shoe res. from my front yard, only bad thing about horse shoe res. is it's a privet lake, (damn) can't launch a boat or tube but can fish off the shore. oh well, I want to fish carter lake next spring, carter is managed for trophy walleye, just up my isle. talk to you later.
Thank you TubeDude! I really appreciate all you do for the site and us fisherman. To say you go above and beyond is a massive understatement. Thanks again.
[#0000FF]Awww shucks and gee whiz. Now ya gonna make me blush.

Glad you like the stuff and hope it helps.

I enjoy the research and the lab work. Not so much the report writing.
Good to hear you're getting all settled in.
After two skunked trips the past two years, I'd love to tag along and watch somebody catch fish. Anybody that wants to save on gas shoot and doesn't mind a noob, shoot me a PM, because this is another one of those things I'd like to figure out.

I have a tube, a pontoon, a canoe, and a couple heavy old homemade kayaks, if that helps.
[#0000FF]A few of us "floatation fanatics" (tubes, toons, yaks) are talking about the possibility of a mini floatilla on Saturday the 5'th of permitting. Stay in touch and you would be welcome to join in, if we put it together.
So a Kayak would likely survive then? These are big, flat fiberglass homemade jobs, but don"t have skirts or anything to keep the waves out. Fantastic until the chop gets high enough that every wave lands in my lap.
[#0000FF]Most mornings it stays fairly calm until about midday. By then you will have likely either caught enough fish or had enough of the cold. But if the waves start getting rough enough that you are taking water in your kayak my mother's son will already be off the water.

It's always about the weather. If there is a forecast for any kind of wind at daybreak don't look for me on Bear Lake in my float tube. We have been pretty lucky the last couple of years with little wind and warm (above freezing) temperatures. Don't know what happens when El Nino and Mama Nature both get together at the same time to spoil a trip.
Thanks a ton, TubeDude. As always, a very informative read.

I've never gone after whitefish at Bear Lake, but after reading your document, I'd sure like to give it a try this year.

Anybody interested in making a run up to Bear Lake to give it a whirl? I've got a boat, so if anyone is interested, let's get it on the calendar.
Oh, darn. With my "on call" schedule thrown in, it's very hard to predict more than a few hours before when I will be able to go anywhere. And if the wind often starts midday, well, sometimes that's about when I'm rolling out of bed. [Wink]

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