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Willard, kept the skunk out of the boat
Wednesday with the oldest son and Thursday alone.

Sure hope old momma nature got all her ranting and ravein out of her system today. Don't need a repeat tomorrow of last year at the BFT Willard Flotilla.

I'll be there, may bring my heavy rain gear and a camp chair and join Jeff and jjannie on the bank somewhere close to cover........[crazy] [fishin]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Nice wiper! None for me today.
Nice looking eye!

If the weather is anything like we've had today, I think many will opt for being under cover but hey, last year turned out okay in the end. There were a few brave (or foolish - LOL) souls who ventured out but we had a great time under cover too! There's plenty of room to keep us dry for the most part anyway.
I thought I saw you Tin Can at the South Marina Thursday. You were leaving and I was just launching my kickboat. I'll was in the small white pickup.


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