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Just like Christmas (Meadows) - Advice Please!
Hey All - Been a while since I've been on this forum. Hope everyone is well!

I'll be heading up to the Uintas this weekend (yay!). Planning to stay at Christmas Meadows with some friends who have only fly fished with me several times over the years. Sadly they've never caught anything. This NEEDS to change!

I've heard that the Stillwater Fork up from the campground is good, open with plenty of room for beginners to backcast without catching trees, etc... but that the fish are a little pickier than what you'd expect in a small stream.

Usually up there I'll use mainly attractor patterns, watching for anything else hatching. Honestly I'm not sure what to expect.

Any suggestions?
I called the ranger station up there around a week ago, and according to their report then--the rivers were running high and not expected to be good fishing. I might have a backup plan of fly fishing in some of the lakes in the area. I ended up not going up there, so I have no first hand insight.

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