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Giant Trevally 130 lb line class record

Giant Trevally, Saltwater Fish Species, Saltwater Fishing

From the remote French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, local angler Audrey Ferrand, of Savanna, St Paul, guided by Hugues Ferrand, landed a giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) on March 5, weighing in at 48 kg (105 lb 13 oz) on women’s 60 kg (130 lb) class line. Using bait it took her over an hour to land the fish while fishing near the island’s commune of St Gilles. Reunion, which is about the size of the state of Rhode Island in the USA, is located off Southern Africa, east of Madagascar. The current IGFA women’s line class record for the fish is 91 lb 0 oz (41.3 kg) caught in 2004 from the waters of Tanzania, Africa’s Latham Island northwest of Reunion.

Giant Trevally line class record

IGFA maintains world records for both freshwater and saltwater game fishes in line class, tippet class and all-tackle categories.
In order to qualify for a record, a catch must be a minimum of 1 pound (.453 kg) in weight, and must exceed the existing record by the required amount or meet the minimum weight requirements, if any, for vacant

No applications will be accepted for fish caught in hatchery waters or sanctuaries. The catch must not be at variance with any laws or regulations governing the species or the waters in which it was caught.
When an additional species of game fish is made eligible for IGFA world records, the effective date will be announced. Fish caught on or after the effective date will be eligible for records. Announcement of an additional species in the World Record Game Fishes book or in other
IGFA publications will be considered proper notification in lieu of any other notice.

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